
Ten new recruit let a man live longer

Ten new recruit let a man live longer

Man should can live better and more long. Of course healthy diet and exercise, can let a man live longer, but then there's some advice than "eat more fiber, much sweat" interesting point.

Look at the bright side

Mayo medical center's research shows that optimistic people live longer. In the study of the participants from, found happy person than of unhappy people less 19

% of mortality, and the pessimist also don't feel will live longer. The university of Pennsylvania, the professor is found that the more than 20 years), the mood of melancholy, helpless sense of hopelessness can cause the immune system of the recession. And not only will let you live optimistic, also can make you old life more independent, more comfortable.

Relax a little bit

For the-year-old British people do study found that 46% of people know deal with the pressure. There are several ways to deal with the pressure, such as sports, meditation, or do you like to do. Even if what matter all don't do, is also a kind of relaxed. Man often because of competition is intense, and irritability, sometimes selfish, do nothing, is also a kind of not selfish.

Flossing your teeth

Not only to reduce the risk of tooth decay, floss can also protect your heart. The academy says the periodontal disease, meet with periodontal disease than people who didn't suffer from it two times a chance to get a coronary artery aspects of the disease.

More sex

That's right, a published in the British medical journal study pointed out, a month less than one-off love of men, is at least twice every week of the two times sex mortality. Duke university conducted a study also found that male sex reduces mortality, this is good news for everyone, but must determine the personality, is safe sex.

Blood donation

When you help someone, also help themselves. MIT medical school and Campbell, the medical center of the study found that men regularly to donate blood, can reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers think that blood donation can reduce the body of hoarding iron, because iron easy oxidized to free radicals, reduce the hoarding of iron, can reduce cardiovascular disease and other aging related disease probability.

Go out

Harvard medical school of public doctor found, have more social life of the people, can prolong life, also can increase the quality of life. A Pennsylvania ROM plug in the long-term study found that "the town, the town town people to die of heart disease ratio is very low, the reason is this town is the Italian immigrants, they have a strong organization and the village community support feeling.

To that end the red carpet

A study found that for 22 years, whether it be 50, 60 or 70-year-old man, married people than unmarried people live longer. A study of 8500 did not suffer from duodenal ulcer investigation of the people, when they are not suffering from duodenal ulcer. But five years later, at the beginning of Mrs. Fill in the questionnaire for their love and support is very low, the risk of deeloping duodenal ulcer, is the other two times as. Male medical association chairman of jianghan voice said, most of the husband and wife are present in the same time hormone retreat of condition, this is a time to take care of each other, support each other.

Play scrabble

Your brain needs exercise, you like the body. Duke university study found that, longevity and the education degree, and after the intellectual activity accepted a direct correlation. Of course scrabble just for example, the key is to learn something new, such as a new language, a dish or any have not tried new things.

With the brain not impulsive

In men aged between 15 to 24, g solid ketone sharply, tend to do high risk and violent behavior. High solid ketone of the people like g adventure, easy to fight with others, see have the power in trouble, the more easily with indignation. So civilization of man, when you and g solid ketone poisoning, or use brain thinking about it.

Go to see the doctor

You know, you think you have no disease, but prevention is always better than ill. And health unit to encourage people to check in early, early treatment. The American medical association suggested men, in prostate cancer, cigarettes, sexual failure, accident, nutrition, physical activities more careful.
To a man live longer don't need magic potion, or genetically modified, as long as the action, to life in your hands.


