A young male years old, protect hair secret: daily cleaning
We each square centimeters of scalp, will be distributed 144 ~ 192 sebaceous glands, than to close the face. The sebaceous glands secreting every day, so if you are washing a face everyday, so also want to everyday shampoo. Just don't use the water of overheat, in order to avoid excessive amounts of oil to wash, can use every day or two a shampoo, and to use the suit oneself to send qualitative wash protect supplies. This not only won't injure a hair, still can stimulate the sebaceous glands normal secretion, provide for the hair moisture and increase luster, have protection function. High quality shampoo shampoo will wash away some of the dirt on the hair and grease, but never wash away excess oil, the more impossible to stop or prevent grease to secrete.
Second, how does a man pointed hair care: prevent scurf more and more
The scalp too fat or too dry's words are easy to grow dandruff, dandruff is due to the excessive breeding of fungus chaff spores and cause, so said chaff spores and dandruff relationship is very close. When the head of the human body is normal and leather fat chaff spores was mixed form the grease acid, lead to stimulate scalp, cause the cells metabolism speed, eventually will form the dandruff. Appeared dandruff, first to use wash hair product to fight to inhibit bacteria breed of chaff spores, at the same time, but also pay attention to the scalp clean to reduce the scalp grease to secrete.
Hairdresser to comb short-tempered Suggestions, had just finished washing the head, with two wax mixed a non-alcoholic gel with the water on the hair, the mix the way can let a hair dry no longer because short-tempered but warped.