Playground horizontal bar, to many people, and the old man seems to be insulation. But as long as the method of, the old man, also can above exhibit elegant demeanour, and to a certain extent, alleviate stoop.
Hang the high bar to belong to a pull to practice. Elderly people often do this exercise, can make the back muscles and bones are exercise, and therefore, can some relief and prevent stoop.
The old man can according to their physical, and arm strength and endurance of, make one of the action. For example, the body condition good old man, can the whole body unbend, two hands into, hold the high bar, leave the ground with both feet, a little tried to pull up, pull a little hard to stop (figure 1).
If feel pulled up very difficult, do not force, just take the high bar, leave the ground with both feet hang to bear arms can (figure 2).
If leave the ground with both feet and hands support still feel difficult, also can both hands on the high bar, feet step or your knees and swung around the waist straight.
Because the old man than young people body, make sure you do some around the shoulder, arm, rejection RaoGeng, enlarge bosom warm-up exercises, in order to prevent the muscle. In addition, master the principle of gradual. For example a began to hang, time don't long, wait until exercise opened, and then add a bit of time properly. Every time the high bar hanging time, had better grasp in 1-2 minutes, hanging for a while, and rest a while, not too hard. In general, every morning 15-20 minutes to do this exercise can.