Core Tip: University of California, Berkeley, a new study shows that the dream also helps to heal the pain in the memory.
People often say that time can heal all wounds. According to the recently reported that the Organization of American physicist, University of California, Berkeley, a new study shows that the dream also helps to heal the pain in the memory. Related papers published in a recent issue of the journal Current Biology.
The researchers found that during dreaming, rapid eye movement sleep during the people's pressure chemical substances will close, again deal with the emotional experience, the brain in such an environment could be an unpleasant memory caused by the pain diminished. The results of this study also explains the injury pressure processing disorder (PTSD) patients, such as the post-war Veterans, why often occurs in a nightmare, and after a longer period to recover from the painful experience. The new findings also provide clues to why dream of researchers.
They designed an experiment, 35 healthy young volunteers divided into two groups, each group to watch the 150 emotional pictures, to see once every 12 hours and then, and then detect their brain activity using magnetic resonance imager (MRI) . One group sooner or later all to see once, twice and remain sober; the other group is the night to see the next morning after a night of sleep to see that again.
Gone through twice to see pictures between the sleep group reported that their emotional reaction to the picture decreased MRI scan also showed the amygdala, brain regions (responsible for emotional memory, the prefrontal cortex in the brain can control the emotional response ) activity is greatly reduced. EEG records also show that in REM dreaming sleep, have some kind of electrical activity in the lower, which indicates that the brain pressure neurochemical a lower level of volunteers in the past experienced emotional reactions become calm. Papers lead author, University of California, Berkeley doctoral student Els van der Ham said: "in rapid eye movement during sleep, memory was reactivated, showing the overall picture with the previous, but this state through their different pressure neurochemicals are well suppressed.
"During REM sleep, stress-related neurochemicals such as norepinephrine significantly reduced, in this safe environment, the brain to reprocess the emotional experience. The next day sober, those who experience emotions caused by weakened the power of our past experience will feel better able to withstand them. "One of the authors, University of California, Berkeley, psychology and associate professor of neuroscience at Matthew Walker explained that the" dream stage special neurochemical composition provides a unique night of treatment to heal the pain of past experiences. "
1/3 of the human life time spent in sleep, but the role of the science of sleep has been no unified opinion. Human health, sleep, dream time accounted for 20%. Previously, brain studies have shown that after injury, stress management disorders patients and patients with depression and other emotional disorders troubled their sleep patterns are disrupted. Emotional function of the dream, the new study provides a deeper understanding of the proof of the importance of the dream state.